The Sound of Rain

In 1 Kings 18, after a three-year famine in the land, the prophet Elijah instructed the king to get up and eat, for there was “a sound of abundance of rain.” Even though there was no visible sign that the answer had come, Elijah was confident that God was about to move in a powerful way.

Elijah proceeded to the top of a hill, humbled himself and waited for rain. He sent his servant six times to look for a sign, but each time there was nothing. In fact, there was not even a cloud in the sky for the past three years, but Elijah was not discouraged by the circumstances. In spite of everything, he prepared for rain. Finally, Elijah’s servant went out for the seventh time and saw a small cloud rising in the distance.

The lesson here is that God has a specific timing for His promises and it’s always later than you think it should be. But as you watch and wait with expectation, God will instruct you to make preparations to receive the coming rain.

During a time of famine in my life, God began to prompt me to prepare a budget. I reasoned that I had nothing to work with but after praying again, I became convinced that it was the leading of the Lord. Not long after preparing the budget, God poured out an abundant provision of finances. Because I had obeyed His leading even when it didn’t make sense, I knew exactly what to do with it when it came. I was prepared to manage the increase.

Whatever it is you’re waiting for, your part may be small but it is very significant. As long as it lines up with the Word of God, step out in faith and simply obey. When you do what only you can do, He will do what only He can do.

In Elijah’s case, soon after the small cloud was visible, the sky filled with clouds and there was abundance of rain. Get ready. The rain is coming. Faithful is He who promised and He will do it!

Let it rain, Lord! By Your Spirit, refresh us, revive us and give us new life, new hope and a new beginning. Help us to focus on You as we prepare to receive all that You have promised, for You are faithful and now is the appointed time of abundant rain! Thank You Father for all these things, in Jesus’ name.

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