In Genesis 40, the king of Egypt is upset. Whatever the baker and the butler did to upset Pharoah, it was enough to land them in prison for an undecided number of days. Once there, they find themselves under the authority of Joseph, even though he himself is one of the prisoners. But rather than using his authority to serve himself, he serves them instead.
Interestingly, the butler and the baker each have a dream on the same night, but morning finds them in a sullen mood with no one to interpret the meaning. Joseph, an experienced dreamer, points out that it is God’s prerogative to foretell future events and he invites them to share their dreams. After each one recalls their dream, Joseph interprets with precision to the delight of one and to the dismay of the other.
In between interpretations, Joseph asks a favour of the butler, who is relieved to know that he will be released and restored to his position in Pharoah’s household later in the week. In humility, Joseph asks him not for position or title, but only for release from the prison.
Even though on the same day both are released, the baker is hanged in front of everyone, the butler rests in his good fortune, forgetting all about Joseph back in prison. This is later referenced by the prophet in Amos 6:6 and Mathew Henry’s commentary rightly demised, “We cannot expect too little from man nor too much from God.”
We see in the lives of the baker and the butler, as well as Joseph two years down the road that promotion comes neither from the east nor from the west, but God is the Judge who demotes one and lifts up another (Psalm 75:6-7). Promotion time comes when everything is in place. And that meant just a little more waiting for Joseph.
There were no shortcuts allowed because Joseph had to be in the right place at the right time. It would take yet another dream to bring Joseph into the light of day once again. There he would step into his destiny never to be imprisoned again. When God has a plan, no amount of manipulation or political moves can make a difference. In His goodness, He will keep you there until it is time, closing every door until the right one opens. For some it is frustrating, but those who implicitly trust God can rest in the fact that His plan is good because He is good.
Where are you today? Are you doing everything you can to escape your situation or are you resting and trusting that God has a plan and a purpose in you being there until the appointed time?
Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight and understanding. In all your ways, know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. (Amplified)
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