Despite obstacles, setbacks and delays, I’ve been working on moving forward for a while now. But what I found was that once the external obstacles were dealt with, I was left to face some internal obstacles that proved just as challenging as the outer ones.
Anyone who has a vision and has tried to move forward in what God is calling them to do can relate to the same insecurities Moses faced. He basically told God three things:
1. Who am I to do this thing You’re calling me to do?
2. I think You have the wrong person. Couldn’t you find someone else to do it?
3. I have nothing to offer.
In response, God basically told Moses three things:
1. You’re right – you can’t do this and I will help you to accomplish what I’m calling you to do.
2. No, I have the right person and no, I don’t want someone else – I want you to do it.
3. You’re right – you don’t have much to offer, but I’ll use what you have for My glory.
Moses and I both learned that no amount of excuses will work with God. And He won’t relent until you say yes to His will and His way. Of course, you could choose to disobey completely, but then you’d be miserable until you make the decision to do His will. The thing is, doing God’s will is what brings the deepest fulfillment you could ever experience.
What are you called to do for God in this season? Are you still making excuses or have you resigned to doing His will?
Even if you’re filled with fear, God will be your personal bravery to give you the courage to move forward and fulfill your calling, one step at a time.
The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds’ feet and will make me to walk (not to stand still in terror, but to walk) and make (spiritual) progress upon my high places (of trouble, suffering, or responsibility)! ~ Habakkuk 3:19
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