Are You a True Worshipper?

Worship is offering our whole selves to God in adoration, honor and reverence, resulting in a deeper, more intimate connection with the Father. Offering thanks and praise for who He is and all that He’s done in our lives, we enter into the Holy of Holies into His glorious presence. This is the place where our hearts are truly changed again and again to become more of what He wants us to be. Nothing can replace true worship.

What Does It Really Mean to Worship God?
Some people believe that if you’re reading your Bible every day, praying and being a witness for Christ wherever you go, you have all the successful ingredients for the Christian life. But without the kind of worship God truly seeks, we are missing the opportunity to know God on a deeper level and be sensitive to His leading in our everyday lives.

What Does Worship Mean to God?
Jesus said that the Father was seeking the kind of worshipper that would worship the Father in spirit and in truth (John 4:21-24). That kind of deep, intimate worship can only come by extended time in His presence. Thanksgiving takes you through the gates, praise takes you only to the outer courts, but worship brings you straight into the Throne Room of God. The Father seeks such ones that worship Him. He longs for us to be with Him in this way.

How Do You Worship?
There will be days you don’t feel like worshipping God. Worship is a sacrificial act. The woman who wept at Jesus’ feet didn’t sing of her love for Him, she didn’t even say a word, but with a humble heart, she simply laid herself at the feet of Jesus as her personal expression of worship (Luke 7:36-48). Have you set aside a daily time to worship God? If you will take time (or rather give your time) for daily worship, your relationship with God will go to a new level of intimacy that you never thought possible.

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